5 ways to beat procrastination this semester - Nambe Media

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Saturday, 17 February 2018

5 ways to beat procrastination this semester

Do you routinely wait to complete assignments until the hours right before they’re due? Have all-nighters become a regular part of your weekly schedule? Has coffee become your go-to fuel to power midnight study sessions?

If so, you may be suffering from a bad case of procrastination — and you’re not alone. Many college students fall prey to this bad habit, but just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s the best way to navigate your academics! In fact, the habits associated with procrastination — rushing through assignments, getting little to no sleep, consuming vast amounts of coffee —can harm not only your grades, but also your health.

The truth is, you will work better if you give yourself adequate time to turn in high-quality work. And doing so makes it more likely you will earn good grades and stay healthy. Here are five handy methods to beat procrastination this semester:


It can be overwhelming to confront a large assignment thinking you need to finish the whole thing in one sitting. Conversely, chipping away at it a little at a time is much more manageable.

Take some time to assess each large assignment you receive, jotting down a list of everything you need to do in order to complete it. Next, pull out your calendar and give yourself deadlines for completing each task. You should complete all tasks a few days before the entire assignment is due so that you can check your work and make sure it’s cohesive.


You’re less likely to procrastinate when you’re focused. If you find you’re spending too much time on social media, temporarily disable your account(s) while you’re working on a particularly challenging project. Put your phone away when you’re working on an assignment or studying, and choose an appropriate (and quiet) study spot.


Much like you should create a timeline for each large assignment you receive, you should set up a regular study/schoolwork schedule. Evaluate your course load and set aside a reasonable amount of time each week to complete work for each class, and block out this time in your calendar. Designating such time holds you accountable to sit down and get your work done.


Finding a study buddy is another great way to hold yourself accountable to getting your work done on time. You and your buddy will have a set schedule for meeting, and that will require you to stay on top of your work—or else you’ll hold up your buddy. Studying with a friend can also be a great motivator to study in the first place, especially if you tend to get bored when studying solo.


All work and no play can make it hard for you to feel motivated enough to continue working diligently throughout the semester. Remember to periodically reward yourself for your academic efforts with fun and healthy things, like mind-clearing walks between study sessions and hangout time with friends. You’re less likely to procrastinate if you’re feeling happy, healthy, and motivated!

Source: college.usatoday.com

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